Sale information
<(0)4 72 16 29 44 -
Exhibition: Wednesday 1st July from 2pm to 6pm and Thursday 2nd July from 9am to 12pm
>Department Head :
Lots marked with the symbol ** will be the subject of a purchase declaration re-invoiced to the purchaser (10 euros HT) in accordance with Article 2 bis of the decree of 16 August 2016 modified
In order to comply with health measures, these sales will take place under special conditions to respect social distancing measures.
We would like to thank all visitors for obligatorily providing themselves with a mask and washing their hands on arrival with hydroalcoholic gel which will be made available.
- Live, on the platform of Interenchères Live (+3% HT) or Drouot Live (+1.5% HT)
- By purchase orders or telephone auctions by sending directly your request for purchase order or your reservation of line under study.
- For the delivery of lots:
Deliveries can be made but only by appointment in compliance with health conditions. Appointments must be made at least the day before for the next day and will be spaced one hour apart. Book your slot by e-mail:, a confirmation will be sent to you by return and possibly a proposal for a close schedule according to the reservations.